About Tirion

Tirion was created in 2012 by Welsh Government and Principality Building Society to deliver affordable housing across Wales using an innovative finance model that negated the need for grant.  Tirion is an independent “not-for-profit” affordable housing developer, owner and estate manager. Tirion is not a commercial developer or a Registered Social Landlord but has adopted best practice in tenant and estate management to ensure tenants benefit from secure contracts and the highest standards of estate management.  Our tenancies will be secure tenancies under the new Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016.

Tirion has sites in Cardiff (The Mill, Canton), Newport (Royal Victoria Court) and Tonyrefail (Parc Eirin). In total over 1500 units will be constructed on these sites comprising open market sale, low-cost home ownership, market rent, intermediate rent, discounted rent and social rent.

Our overarching mission is to develop and invest in affordable homes that will:

  • provide greater choice to those unable to, or with a preference not to, purchase their own home
  • not require any Government subsidy or Social Housing Grant
  • benefit from the Group’s expertise and extensive experience in developing derelict sites
  • assist economic regeneration through both direct and indirect employment, and
  • establish aspirational and sustainable communities.

Why do you do it?

We are a charitable Community Benefit Society supporting those who cannot, or choose not to, buy their own homes, or who cannot afford to pay full market rent.

What benefits do you offer public sector partners?

We support local and central government in meeting their affordable housing targets without the need for grant and in so doing bring brownfield sites into beneficial use.

For more information and to contact us, visit www.tirionhomes.co.uk

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